Opening hours
The doors to the computer science building and all CIP Pools are open during the day (06:30 - 20:00) on workdays.
Door lock system
If you need to use the CIP-Pool or enter the computer science building at other times, you can register your FAUcard for the electronic door lock system.
If you can not open a door but you're sure you have access, please contact us.
Getting access
In order to activate your FAUCard, you have to apply for it in the IDM system via the entry Door Access - Computer Science Tower. It will be active within an hour.
Talk to the administrative staff of your chair or institute. They will advise you on the necessary steps.
Lost your card
Immediately disable your card via the IDM system or by mail.
A lost card can be used to gain unauthorized access and wreak all kinds of havoc. The person showing up in the access logs will be you, so it is in your best interest to get a lost card disabled as soon as possible.
Granting access to various doors (for staff only)
Please send us an S/MIME-signed email from your FAU email account using common style (Introductory and additional remarks are explictly permitted) containing the following strict request format for the desired door access (see below for the door list):
allow <token|login|fauid> <doorgroup> <YYYY-MM-DD|forever>
# Token
allow D01234 INFORMATIK 2026-12-31
# Login
allow ab12cdef MANLOBBI 2026-12-31
allow 00000123456 MANLOBBI forever
Please only one statement per line. Doorgroups with a suffix _UL and 'UNLOCK' in their respective description have the additional right to unlock doors for some period of time (e.g. for seminar rooms during lessons). Every access right is granted immediately and expires on the date given. Comments (beginning with '#') are allowed as long as they are in a line of their own. Furthermore leading zeros of the FAU ID can be dropped, as long as the whole sequence spans 4 or more numerals. Please also tell us if tokens, logins or FAU-IDs belong to an employee (not a student or "HIWI").
How do I permanently unlock doors?
Touch the reader twice within 2 to 7 seconds with your card or token. Make sure, that you keep your card / token at a large enough distance in between.
Door list
doorgroup | description |
AQUARIUM | 0.031-113 Eingang |
AQUARIUM_UL | 0.031-113 Eingang |
BELLOLABS | 0.033 I4-Nord I4-Ostflur I4-Sued I4-Westflur Manlobbi Manlobbi-Flur I4-Nebeneingang-Bellos Validierung |
DEP-11.125 | 11.125-1 11.125-2 |
DEP-11.125_UL | 11.125-1 11.125-2 |
EGPA | 00.157 HH-Hinten HH-Links HH-Rechts |
FABLAB-EXTERN | 02.171 FabLab U1.154 Validierung |
FABLAB-BETREUER | 02.171 FSV FabLab U1.154 Validierung |
FSI | 02.150 02.152 |
FSICE | 02.132 |
FSV | FSV-Raum + Außentüren |
FSV-MITGLIEDER | FSV-Raum + FSV-Schrank + Außentüren |
HH-AUSSENTUEREN | HH-Hinten HH-Links HH-Rechts |
I1-MITARBEITER | 12.110 12.150 |
I1-MITARBEITER_UL | 12.110 12.150 |
I2-CIP | 05.125 |
I2-MITARBEITER | 04.150 05.125 05.130 05.150 |
I2-MITARBEITER_UL | 04.150 05.125 05.130 05.150 |
I2-STUDENT | 05.125 05.150 |
I2-DDI-LABOR | 05.134 |
I2-KUECHE | 05.110 |
I3-02.153 | 02.153 |
I3-LABOR | 02.170 |
I3-MITARBEITER | 02.153 02.170 02.172 07.150 |
I3-MITARBEITER_UL | 02.153 02.170 02.172 07.150 |
I3-PRAKTIKUM | 02.153 |
I3-PRAKTIKUM_UL | 02.153 |
I3-ROBOT | 02.172 |
I3-ROBOT_UL | 02.172 |
I3-SEMINAR | 07.150 |
I3-SEMINAR_UL | 07.150 |
I4-SERVER | I4-Nord I4-Serverraum I4-Sued I4-Westflur Manlobbi Manlobbi-Flur |
I5-ALL | 01.134 |
I5-BILD | 01.134 |
I6-01.152 | 01.152 |
I7-CIP | 04.158 |
I7-LAB | 02.176 |
I7-MITARBEITER | 02.176 04.158 |
I7-MITARBEITER_UL | 02.176 04.158 |
I7-RECHNERRAUM | 04.158 |
I7-STUDENT | 02.176 |
I8-MITARBEITER | 11.110 11.125-1 11.125-2 11.150 |
I8-MITARBEITER_UL | 11.110 11.125-1 11.125-2 11.150 |
INF-01.1541 | 01.154-1 |
INFORMATIK | 00.151 00.152 00.153 00.156 01.153 01.155 01.155-Neben 02.133 02.134 02.135 02.151 HH-Hinten HH-Links HH-Rechts Huber-Aussen Huber-CIP |
INFORMATIK-STUD | 00.151 00.152 00.153 00.156 01.153 01.155 01.155-Neben 02.133 02.134 02.135 02.151 HH-Hinten HH-Links HH-Rechts Huber-Aussen Huber-CIP |
ISER | HH-Hinten HH-Links HH-Rechts |
MANLOBBI | I4-Nord I4-Ostflur I4-Sued I4-Westflur Manlobbi Manlobbi-Flur I4-Nebeneingang-Bellos Validierung |
MEDTECH | 01.150 |
OSR-MITARBEITER | 11.110 11.150 |
OSR-MITARBEITER_UL | 11.110 11.150 |
ROBOTICS | 02.171 U1.154 |
VORSTAND_UL | 02.152 |
WuV-MITARBEITER | 11.110 11.125-1 11.125-2 11.150 |
WuV-MITARBEITER_UL | 11.110 11.125-1 11.125-2 11.150 |